Entry 388: Ice Cream

I’ve loved you since the first day we met

Two kids, living in a world so dark

Yet so blind to it

Two kids

…Without regret…

Do you remember the day?

Our first time we sat together at school

No idea of our future together

We first met over Ice Cream

I fell in love right then

I know it seems an impossibility

For a mere kid

Unaware of what love is

To feel a burning in their heart

One without end

A pure love

One I feel as we share this Ice Cream now

30 years past our 5-year-old selves.

I remember the snow

The December we shared our feelings first

We were only 12


…You shared your feelings…

Something I’d silently felt

A day I’d waited for what felt like an eternity for

We were having Ice Cream that day as well

You kissed me over Christmas break

Our two families spending together

That beautifully snowy Christmas Night

We tried to play off dessert normally that time

Our families knew though,

As it turned out

They saw us on the porch,

They said nothing till our wedding day though

It was a beautiful one.

A lavish Winter wedding

We shared our vows

We promised to be there for one another

Much like we are now

We did as we always had as kids

Our special moments

Reflected as we ate our favorite dessert

Ice Cream marking another wonderful moment

Much like our first

You are the man I never deserved

My gallant knight who’s always worked

Providing for me in every way

After we had our little boy

We had Ice Cream to celebrate

The snow was beautiful that night

Much like it is now

I’m sorry that you must learn this way

Thank you for having Ice Cream with me on this day

I know you were confused why I sent away our son at first

You have no idea what tonight means to me

A celebration of us

I didn’t want our son to see what must be done next

I wanted us to share our memories

Those days without regret

I wanted him to retain that purity

Our greatest gift

I’m going to have to ask you

To protect him

I know as you’re reading this now

As we sit here, looking at the snow

You are probably wondering why it is I now cry


…The truth is…

I have it…

I’m infected, my love

I don’t wish for you to dwell on this

It’s the reason this one time

I insisted we use separate bowls

It’s been years since that happened, right?

You & oddly this dessert has been there for our best times

Nothing fancy

That’s never been our way.


A simple vanilla ice cream

The same as the first time we shared the dish

I wish we could treat tonight like that first time

Back when we were kids,

Two kids,

No regrets,

Just sharing our favorite dish…

…Vanilla Ice Cream…

I ask of you

Though now I’m likely crying

Don’t remember this night in a negative way

Think of it as one final time

Sharing our lovely memories once again

No regrets…

No worry about what comes next.

I know what happens after this,

Isn’t going to be a happy event


When you have to do it,

Please make it quick.

A bullet to the head,

A proper burial,

That’s all I can ask my dearest friend.

I’ve known since the first day we met

You are my one true love,

My best friend.

I’m sorry things had to end like this…

…I’m sorry that I got myself bit…

It was funny you know?

I was shopping,

Just another day,

No worries, no regrets.

You had our son at home,

Waiting for me as you always did…

We didn’t even know there was an infection.

Blissfully ignorant that when I got bit,

It was the beginning of the end.

The saddest thing might be,

What has probably happened to the family of the kid

…Who infected me…

It was his bite that would be my end

…Though now, I imagine his family is suffering…

From this disease with no known source…

A few weeks after I was bit,

I began to get sick…

Nothing I wanted to bother you & our son with…

The news reports began to come out

About the others infected with the unknown virus

I’m sorry I played it off at the time…

That I never told you I’d been bit…

I’m sorry you had to find out now,

Mere moments before the inevitable…

I love you my sweet

My dearest friend

If you could,

Please remember our time together

It is something I’ll always be happy for

…Raise our son right…

Tell him his mother had a happy life

That he is our most precious gift

…Keep him safe…

I love you my dearest friend


…Never forget that…









*A letter read, a dessert shared once again, the snow falls as they look into one another’s eyes one final time*


-Ice Cream-